Laser Surgery

We offer safe, comfortable laser surgery with precise tissue removal for the best pet care.

As part of our commitment to quality care, we are pleased to offer laser surgery as a safe and comfortable treatment. We feel that laser surgery provides the best possible care for your pet. Laser surgery involves utilizing a carbon dioxide laser, which produces an invisible beam of light that can remove a precise layer of tissue at one time.

The benefits of laser surgery are:

  • Less Pain – The laser seals nerve endings as it cuts. Your pet will be more comfortable after surgery as they will experience less pain and discomfort.
  • Less Bleeding – The laser seals small blood vessels during the surgery, greatly reducing blood loss.
  • Less Swelling – The laser energy does not crush, tear, or bruise the tissue
    because there is no physical contact with the tissue. Therefore, the swelling of postoperative incisions is reduced.
  • Less Infection – The carbon dioxide laser energy acts as an antimicrobial/antibacterial agent by producing high temperatures, which effectively eliminate microorganisms. Therefore reducing the risk of infection.

All of the above help promote rapid healing, which allows your pet to quickly return to normal activities.

If you have questions or would like more information on laser surgery, please call us at 506-622-2355.

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