Dog Dental Care

Maintaining oral health is equally important for your pet as it is for humans.

Poor dental health is a very common yet often overlooked issue for dogs. Rotten teeth can be extremely painful, as well as can lead to a large variety of other illnesses and infections. If you notice your dog has particularly bad breath, doesn’t want to eat, stops chewing its food, etc., it is crucial to have a veterinarian do a dental exam to determine if your dog requires a dental cleaning or to have any teeth extracted.

What types of canine dental care services are offered at your clinic?

We perform various dental services, including dental cleaning, full mouth dental x-rays, surgical extractions, and scaling and polishing of teeth. Please call the hospital for more information 506-622-2355.

How often should I brush my dog’s teeth?

Ideally, your dog’s teeth should be brushed once a day. This isn’t always easy to do, so aiming for three times a week would be a great start! The more often you do it, the quicker you and your dog can settle into a routine. There are alternatives to brushing including enzyme enhanced rawhide chews that help keep your dog’s teeth clean.

Why is oral and dental health important?

Dental problems are very common in dogs, especially as they get older. Tartar builds on the teeth and the gums can get inflamed. Just as any person who has had a dental problem before will tell you, these issues can be extremely painful and uncomfortable, especially when trying to eat. Sometimes the teeth and gums become so painful, dogs will stop eating all together.

There is also the worry of infection in the mouth. If a tooth gets infected, it can cause an abscess, or worse, spread to the blood and become systemic. This is very dangerous and could cause the dog to become very ill, all because of one infected tooth!

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